Latino Living Center celebrates 25th Anniversary

This year, the Latino Living Center (LLC) will celebrate its 25th anniversary – often dubbed the “silver anniversary.” Following the 1993 vandalism of Daniel J. Martinez’s artwork on the Arts Quad, Latinx students at Cornell organized and led the Day Hall Takeover, demanding better treatment of and resources for Latinx students on campus. The protest did not end until four days later, when President Frank Rhodes agreed to a public forum during which the Latinx students delivered their demands. The ninth and final demand was the creation of the Latino Living Center, which was established the following year in 1994.

The Latino Living Center was envisioned as a sanctuary and cultural community center, its goal to promote unity and inclusivity within the Latinx community. In 2000, the Latino Living Center moved from West Campus to its current location in Anna Comstock Hall on North Campus. While the building only hosts 55 residents, through traditions like the weekly Café con Leche and annual Bienvenidos BBQ, the Latino Living Center has become a second home to members and allies of the Latinx community across campus.


The impact of the Latino Living Center is evident in alumni such as Julio Casado ’08, Mario Rivera ’82, and Ricardo Arguello ’04, who fundraised $100,000 to create an endowment for the Latino Living Center. The endowment will be used to support programming and supplies for the residence hall, as well as provide emergency funds and scholarships to residents.

The continued prosperity of the Latino Living Center both represents and supports the flourishing of Latinx students at Cornell. The silver anniversary will be commemorated at the 27th Annual Latino Unity Dinner in collaboration with LLC and the Latina/o Studies Program.

For related stories regarding the Latino Living Center visit:
Alumni led Latino Living Center endownment effort
First Latino-led, Program House Endownment Raises $100,000 for Latino Living Center


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LLC 25th anniversary