Mi Comunidad Mentorship Program

Mi Comunidad/My Community

Founded in 2015, Mi Comunidad/My Community is a mentoring program run by graduate and professional students affiliated with the Latin@ Graduate Student Coalition (LGSC) and supported by the Latina/o Studies Program (LSP) and Latina/o/x Student Success Office (LSSO) at Cornell University.

Our mission is to address the needs of underrepresented undergraduate students at Cornell University and build a community among undergraduate, graduate, and professional Latin@ students, faculty, administrators, and community members.

Mi Comunidad/My Community seeks to:

  • Build community among underrepresented students, faculty, administrators, community members at Cornell University through personal and professional relationships.
  • Encourage academic and community engagement among underrepresented students at Cornell University.
  • Ease students’ transition to higher education.
  • Provide information and guidance to undergraduate students on a one-to-one basis about applying to graduate school, navigating academia, and work-life balance.

How we help and what we do:

  • Provide a community and safe space in the Latina/o Studies located on the 4th Floor of Rockefeller Hall.
  • Monthly meet-ups.
  • Opportunity to build relationships between mentors (both graduate and undergraduate) and mentees.

For information about the mentorship program and how to become a mentee or a mentor please contact lgsc.cornellu@gmail.com. Follow Latinx Graduate Student Coalition on Facebook.

Mi Comunidad has played an integral part in my understanding of graduate school. As a undergraduate who is seeking to pursue a Ph.D., the ability to speak to graduate students who come from a similar background as mine is really insightful. You create interpersonal connections with mentors and mentees who connect you with resources and opportunities you can’t find in any other way on campus.  

