The Latine Student Success Office (LSSO) is your space for student services, especially as they relate to the Latine community. LSSO grew out of a student and faculty vision to improve support and access to Cornell’s excellent educational resources for students of the Latine community.
What does LSSO do?
Our mission at the Latine Student Success Office is to accelerate Latine student success at Cornell University and beyond by expanding access to opportunity, knowledge, and resources.
The vision of the Latine Student Success Office is:
To develop the career and college readiness skills necessary to thrive at Cornell and beyond.
To empower students to excel at Cornell through academic planning and resource referrals.
To create a space of belonging and familiarity on campus alongside LSP.
To connect students with mentors, professors, and alumni, especially members of the Latine community, who will support their growth.
To advocate for policy changed to alleviate issues affecting the Latine community.
Collaborations that Make LSSO Possible
The Latine Student Success Office is a joint effort of the Latina/o Studies Program (LSP) and the College of Arts & Sciences Student Services. The Latina/o Studies Program is an academic program for undergraduate and graduate students based in Arts & Sciences and open to all students across the seven colleges at Cornell. The College of Arts & Sciences is Cornell’s largest college and the Office of Advising serves the largest number of Latine students.
LSSO regularly collaborates with the Latina/o Studies Program, A&S Career Development, the Latino Living Center (Program House), Gannett Health Services, the Center for Intercultural Dialogue, the Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives, the Cornell Latino Alumni Association (CLAA), the Latin@ Graduate Student Coalition (LGSC), and more!
LSSO Contact
Simon Velasquez
Email: st523@cornell.edu
Latine Student Success Advisor