The Latina/o Studies Program at Cornell offers Latina/o Studies as a minor field in graduate studies. The minor invites any Cornell graduate student interested in Latina/o Studies to craft a program of interdisciplinary study. Faculty expertise spans multiple fields, including anthropology, history, literature, law, sociology, government, education, planning, human development, and language, enabling students to develop a graduate minor that meet their specific interests.
Requirements: Over the course of their study students will be expected to take two Latina/o Studies graduate or advanced undergraduate (4xxx) courses outside of their major field of study. Other courses not cross-listed with Latina/o Studies may be eligible upon consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies. In lieu of available courses, the student and his or her minor field advisor might design a project that culminates in a paper given at a conference or presented for publication. As per graduate school regulations the Latina/o Studies graduate minor field must be represented on students special committee by a faculty member in the field. The requirements will vary according to the student's need and desires in shaping his or her project in consultation with the minor faculty member in Latina/o Studies. Upon completion of the minor and graduate degree requirements, the student will be awarded a LSP Graduate Minor Certificate.
Students interested in the Graduate Minor should plan to meet with Professor Sofia Villenas, Director of Graduate Studies and register as an LSP graduate minor in the LSP office, 434 Rockefeller Hall.
Being able to pursue an LSP minor has been an invaluable asset in my graduate education. I am forever grateful for the support LSP has provided me throughout the years, especially in facilitating the success of my research.
- Nancy Quintanilla Ph.D. '18, English/Latina/o Studies