Students in a Latina/o Studies clcass
Enhancing students’ understanding of Latinas/os in the United States


Latina/o Studies offers a multi-disciplinary range of courses that enhance students’ understanding of Latinas/os in the United States ranging in topics from immigration, labor, politics, music and health to history, culture, law, education, performance and literature. Course offerings are mostly drawn from history, sociology, anthropology, government, literature and performance studies, among others, but the program also cross list courses from other colleges.

Set of books from Latina/o Studies library

Spring 2025 Featured Course:

Desbordando: Reading Caribbean Waters in Latinx Studies - LSP 4577  (also ENGL 4577)

As Latinx studies continues to expand beyond its nationalistic origins and re-examines its geographical bounds, nuancing the role of borders within the field becomes urgent. This course probes at the primacy of the border in Latinx studies by centering Caribbean waters. As a liquid that refuses to succumb to the violence of fragmentation and instead embodies iterations of radical wholeness, water has an innate capacity to “undo” borders, a quality epitomized by the Spanish verb “desbordar” (to overflow). Through discussion and analysis of key Latinx cultural products we will gain an appreciation for the multiple ways in which water sustains provocative contradictions across borders regarding representations of historical memory, gender and sexuality, migration, race, and religion and spirituality, among others. Instructor: Rebeca Hey-Colón. M 2 – 4:30.  4 credits. (This course fulfills humanities distribution for the LSP undergraduate minor). 

Questions, contact Professor Hey-Colón at  

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Latina/o Studies News

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A&S Dean Jayawardhana speaking to a group of people

Fridays with Faculty Seminar

Originated in 2004 and currently supported by the College of Arts & Sciences, the Latina/o Studies Program Fridays with Faculty seminar offers an opportunity for Latina/o and non-Latina/o students of all levels and disciplines to meet faculty and administrators from across the university for informal conversation and lunch. The program features speakers with some connection to Latina/o Studies or the Latina/o experience at Cornell and provides a significant alternative academic component for the LSP community. The seminar also serves as a cornerstone retention program as it builds connections and sense of belonging among undergraduate and graduate students, staff and faculty, and increases students' use of Cornell's academic resources

Spring 2024 series

Latina/o Studies Events

Feb 18
Tuesday 04:00 PM
Feb 19
Wednesday 01:25 PM
Feb 19
Wednesday 05:00 PM
Feb 19
Wednesday 05:00 PM

Nuestra voz en español /Spanish Conversation Hour

Rockefeller Hall (LSP conference room) 429
Feb 20
Thursday 05:00 PM

2025 Rabinor Lectures in American Studies, Stephanie Canizales

Goldwin Smith Hall Room 135 HEC Auditorium
Feb 21
Friday 06:00 PM

Café con Leche

Anna Comstock Hall (Latino Living Center)