One of the focal points of the Latina/o Studies Program is its undergraduate minor available to all students in any college at Cornell. With a Latina/o Studies minor, you'll be able to explore the rich histories and contemporary life of Latino communities in the United States. You will learn about Latina/o political and labor participation, creative expression and literature, and issues of immigration, education, language and health. Faculty members from history, sociology, anthropology, literature, language, government, performance studies, music and more give you an opportunity to develop an interdisciplinary field of study of Latina/os in the U.S., with an emphasis on a transnational and comparative perspective.
The undergraduate minor is earned upon the completion of five courses (a minimum of 15 credits) in Latina/o Studies, including one of the introductory courses. Students are welcome to count more than one of the introductory courses towards the five-course minimum.
Students are welcome to create a selection of courses that would best suit their interests but must take at least one of these introductory courses:
• LSP 2100 Introduction to Latina/o/x Studies (crosslisted with AMST 2106)
• LSP 1802 Introduction to Latinos in US History (crosslisted with HIST 1802, AMST 1802)
• LSP 2720 Introduction to Latina/o/x Performance (crosslisted with PMA 2720)
• Five courses (a minimum of 15 credits) including one of the introductory courses.
• Students must complete at least one Humanities and one Social Science course.
• Two courses must be at the 3xxx or 4xxx level.
• Enrollment under the LSP number is NOT required in order for the courses to be counted towards the minor - students can register under the cross-listed department/program.
• One LSP elective course can count towards the minor.
• Courses must be completed with a letter grade of C or above.
For information on which category a course falls in - i.e. Humanities, Social Science, elective, e-mail latino_studies@cornell.edu or Professor Debra Castillo, director of undergraduate studies at dac9@cornell.edu.
It is required that students who are interested in the minor file an application with the Latina/o Studies Program office by the beginning of their senior year. Applications are available in the Latina/o Studies Program office, 434 Rockefeller Hall.
Please note: You do not have to enroll under LSP in order for the courses to be counted towards the minor - you can register under the cross-listed department. With approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies 3 credit LSP independent study course can count towards the minor. LSP 1 and 2 credit course(s), and Freshman Writing Seminars DO NOT count towards fulfilling minor requirements. Not all courses offered each semester/year.
The Latina/o Studies minor opened my experience at Cornell by giving me a place to feel comfortable in and to reconnect with my heritage and bring a piece of home to Cornell by learning about and meeting others with similar backgrounds.
- Nicole Beltran '18, Psychology major and Latina/ Studies, English and Business Minors