Sergio I Garcia-Rios

Assistant Professor


I was born and raised in Durango, México but I consider El Paso, TX my second home, a fronterizo by choice. I am an Assistant Professor  of Government and Latino Studies at Cornell University.

My research investigates the formation and transformation of Latino identities  as well as the political implications of these transformations. I also examine voter turnout, political participation and public opinion, especially among Latino immigrants. 

Other academic interests include issues related to Latinos and the Voting Rights Act, border issues and border research, and the politics of Mexico.

​For more detailed information about my research and academic background please visit  my website.

Research Focus


My research investigates the formation and transformation of Latino identities  as well as the political implications of these transformations. My dissertation explores these dynamics with a multi-method approach. I use a unique repeated cross-sectional sample survey, taking advantage of the numerous individual observations within a specific cohort and time period, I employ a hierarchical age period cohort analysis (HAPC) in the form of cross-classified models in which observations across the different surveys are nested within time periods and cohorts.  The empirical findings are supported by a historical analysis of the construction of Latinidad in the US as well as in depth interviews.


Other academic interests include border issues and border research, and the politics of Mexico.

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